Alexandre Santiago da Silva

Portfolio & Blog

Setup a Static Website in AWS

How to Host a Static Website in AWS This article will briefly describe how to host a static website using a S3 Bucket for storage and Route 53 service for routing. I will use a domain provided by Google Domains in this example. Prerequisites: Purchase a domain Setup an Amazon AWS Account Purchase a Domain The first step is to go to a domain provider and purchase a domain.

Responsive Fictional Business Website

Final Assignment for Content Management System and HTML II Courses For this assignment, I had to design and build a website for a fictional business. The business type was up to me—but it could be a restaurant, other small business, or a festival of some sort. For the HTML, I must use a Grid and/& Flexbox layout. The website must be a site with a customized Theme created using the underscores template.

Xamarin Custom Renderers

What is a Custom Renderer A Custom Renderer is a developer made Renderer Class that customises the appearance and behaviour of a UI control. The Renderer Class is responsible for creating the Xamarin.Forms representation of pages, layouts or controls for each platform (IOS, Android or Windows Phone). An alternative to Custom Renderers is the development of Custom Controls through subclassing. The Custom Renderer Class is a derived class implementation of the Renderer Class responsible for rendering the corresponding UI object in each platform.

Node.js Optimization

0x a Node.js Optimization Tool I will show a tool called 0x that generates a Flame Graph. My goal is to give an overview of the tool. You can access a full step by step tutorial and learn how to use it by accessing the full article in TUNING NODE.JS APP PERFORMANCE WITH AUTOCANNON AND 0X by Ron Litzenberger. This tool was presented at the Node Interactive North America 2017 Node.

CSS Grid Layout Module

About the new CSS Grid Layout Module aka CSS Grid CSS Grid is a new method of using a grid concept to lay out content in an HTML page. It provides a mechanism for developers to divide available space for layout into columns and rows using a set of predictable sizing behaviours. CSS Grid will not only make it easy for developers to layout the most complicated designs but also, will make it possible to create designs that could not be implemented through other available solutions, such as Flexbox.