
Xamarin Custom Renderers

What is a Custom Renderer A Custom Renderer is a developer made Renderer Class that customises the appearance and behaviour of a UI control. The Renderer Class is responsible for creating the Xamarin.Forms representation of pages, layouts or controls for each platform (IOS, Android or Windows Phone). An alternative to Custom Renderers is the development of Custom Controls through subclassing. The Custom Renderer Class is a derived class implementation of the Renderer Class responsible for rendering the corresponding UI object in each platform.

Xamarin Project

Using Xamarin Forms as an App Development Platform A brief description of the platform and the project I am working with some of the pros and cons I faced when starting to develop using Xamarin. What is Xamarin and How it works Xamarin is a development platform to build native apps for multiple platforms on a shared C# codebase. It uses the same IDE, language, and APIs to code apps for Android, IOS and Windows Phone.