Website development in Riot.js What’s Riot.js A JavaScript framework inspired by React that is centered around the idea of custom, reusable HTML tags.
In Riot HTML and JavaScript appear much more familiar. Both are under the same component, but neatly separated from each other. The HTML can be mixed with JavaScript expressions by using the notation of enclosing expressions inside curly braces without proprietary code.
Examples Following bellow two examples of a front-end, I developed for Inforlube, a software provider to companies that operate in the aftermarket automotive industry providing automotive service equipment & maintenance chemicals.
Final Assignment for Content Management System and HTML II Courses For this assignment, I had to design and build a website for a fictional business. The business type was up to me—but it could be a restaurant, other small business, or a festival of some sort.
For the HTML, I must use a Grid and/& Flexbox layout. The website must be a site with a customized Theme created using the underscores template.
About the new CSS Grid Layout Module aka CSS Grid CSS Grid is a new method of using a grid concept to lay out content in an HTML page. It provides a mechanism for developers to divide available space for layout into columns and rows using a set of predictable sizing behaviours. CSS Grid will not only make it easy for developers to layout the most complicated designs but also, will make it possible to create designs that could not be implemented through other available solutions, such as Flexbox.
Final Assignment for the HTML I Course For this assignment, I had to produce a mockup of an online magazine site. This exercise needed to have at least four pages and be based on a grid I made. I could not use Bootstrap, or any other prebuilt grid system.
Project Content For the project I designed a static website using only HTML, CSS and some javascript for animation and effects.