Responsive Fictional Business Website

Final Assignment for Content Management System and HTML II Courses

For this assignment, I had to design and build a website for a fictional business. The business type was up to me—but it could be a restaurant, other small business, or a festival of some sort.

For the HTML, I must use a Grid and/& Flexbox layout. The website must be a site with a customized Theme created using the underscores template.

Chosen Theme

I decided to create a landing page for fictional italian festival.



Brand and Navigation:




1234567890 !@#$%^*()-+=




1234567890 !@#$%^*()-+=

Main Content:




1234567890 !@#$%^*()-+=

Collour Palette



R:206 G:43 B:55



R:15 G:51 B:5



R:2 G:0 B:102

Light Green


R:108 G:163 B:123


Main website view

View from the main page for the festival

Contact form

View form the main page for the festival

About the Festival

View form the main page for the festival

Standard WordPress Post used for all the postings.

It shows the Featured image for the post and other images positioned inside the post itself.

View form the main page for the festival

Customized posts with different layouts. Created specific for the Cinema and Italian Cuisine sections.

In the Cinema Section I created a template to show the movie posters along with the dates of exibition and the Director’s name.

View form the main page for the festival

In the Italian Cuisine Section I created a template to show each of the plates offered in the festival with a picture and a brief description. I styled the name of the plate to go over the picture. When the user clicks on a plate that plate descriptio is shown with the standard template.

View form the main page for the festival

Here are the views for the mobile and tablet version of the main page of the website.


View form the main page for the festival


View form the main page for the festival

Sources Page

In the lower menu there is a link to the image sources used and licensing for the website.

View form the main page for the festival

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