
This web site is an assignment for the Course WMDD-4815 HHTML/CSS 1 of the Web and Mobile Development and Design Programme from the Langara College.

Its objective was to develop a four page mockup magazine based on a grid system of my choice, or of my own devising.

The main article for this mockup used text from the Wikipedia article on Yoga.

The Pure Yoga Magazine was a creation of mine and the pictures used on it were extracted from various free sources.

The sources for the material used in this mockup magazine can be accessed below.


Images Original Source
lotus pixabay
silhouette unsplash
buddhas unsplash
yoga frogs pixabay
bhuda unsplash
Monk unsplash
monks unsplash
holy man unsplash
rocks unsplash
pizza unsplash
silhouette unsplash
mountain sky unsplash
bhuda statue unsplash
sunrise unsplash
wife My wife

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yoga Article